NL Biodiversity and Society

Pollination by bee

Our mission is to generate scientific knowledge and facilitate societal partners to strengthen biodiversity. We do scientific research, develop biodiversity tools, and give advice to partners. We combine science, policy and practice. Our expertise areas are: pollinators and pollination, spatiotemporal shifts in biodiversity, biodiversity monitoring and biodiversity tools. 

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Pollinators and Pollination

Pollinators are crucial to food production and our natural environment. We translate our knowledge and research results on pollinators into social projects, such as with the National Bee Count and SPRING. Awareness and citizen science often play an important role in this.

Spatiotemporal shifts in biodiversity

To detect patterns and causes of change in biodiversity over longer periods of time, we use state-of-the-art techniques such as Species Distribution Modeling (SDM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and statistical tools. We use the results, for example, to make predictions about biodiversity restoration in a nature reserve, when making plans for sustainable agriculture and for developing nature-inclusive cities and infrastructures.

Biodiversity monitoring

Understanding the long-term effects of biodiversity requires monitoring. But what is effective monitoring? We study the effectiveness of different methods and make important contributions to the development of monitoring programs and recognition technology. This includes both standard and novel monitoring techniques, such as image recognition and DNA barcoding, which we apply in programs such as ARISE and Living Lab.

Tools for biodiversity

Finally, we are developing tools for various social parties that will enable them to engage in the conservation and stimulation of biodiversity. Examples are the 'Bloeibogen app' for selecting garden plants that are attractive to bees and butterflies, or the KANO quick scan webtool that a group of land owners can use to priotise how the quality of nature in and around nature reserves can be improved.

Gehoornde metselbij

Collaborations of
NL Biodiversity & Society

Within the scientific domain, we form partnerships with several universities and institutes. For policy and practice, we actively collaborate with (semi) governmental bodies, companies and NGOs. Internationally, we have strong ties to the pollination community, both in scientific work and within the society and policy arena. For example, we work closely with CBD, FAO, Promote Pollinators, and EU Pollinator initiative. Moreover, team members play a central role in several networks focused on biodiversity research and restoration, or circular economy.


Nature-rich neighborhood in the east of the Netherlands

Knowledge Naturally! Green knowledge made useful

In Knowledge Naturally! young researchers answer knowledge questions about nature-inclusive or climate-proof living and working for clients from society. This varies from water boards, provinces, housing to commercial companies. As long as the demand…
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Students do internships on a broad range of subjects diverging from ecological scientific research to testing methods of citizen science. Students acquire competences like: species recognition, general fieldwork skills, data analysis using statistics and modelling and public outreach skills. Interested?

Check our research projects and internship opportunities

Studenten in moerdijk

In the

Our researchers also occasionally appear in tv and radio items and articles, such as:

Gala van de Biodiversiteit Koos
Saskia tijdens bijenmarkt