The Naturalis laboratories offer a wide range of opportunities to perform biological or geological scientific analyses.
A group of 8 research technicians with specialist knowledge annually support 80 students, 60 internal research projects, 10PhDs, 40 guests. We carry out assignments for external parties to fill in social and commercial questions.
Our specializations& facilities
The Naturalis laboratory is basically a broad-spectrum facility but has specialized units in the field of:
- Molecular research with facilities and knowledge for Ancient DNA, DNA barcoding and NGS.
- Morphological and geological research with facilities and knowledge of high-resolution (3D) imaging and gemstone analysis.
- Computing, with facilities and knowledge for high performance cloud computing for metagenome analysis, molecular taxonomy and high troughput identification.
With the Zeis micro Ct scanner we perform 3D morphological analyzes on micron resolution which is unique in the Netherlands for natural history objects.
Our molecular laboratories are equipped for NGS analyzes including a clean room for old DNA analyzes from collection objects. With this we unlock the genetic potential from our Natural History past. The so-called "high risk" spaces in the lab building provide for working with chemicals and potentially harmful (micro) organisms. There are breeding facilities for plants and insects. The Dutch Gemstone Laboratory will also be housed within the geological facilities.

Whoworks here
A peek at theNaturalis' laboratoria
Laboratoriesin numbers

In the new Naturalis building the laboratories have 3 floors and a total of 2.400 square metres surface. In another building the laboratories have 860 square metres lab room over 5 floors for the consulting of collections. In total we accomodate 500 research devices of which 300 are microscopes.