Support Naturalis.
Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity
Big or small, your donation helps Naturalis with a very important goal. With our collection, knowledge and data we map out biodiversity and contribute to the conservation of nature and life on earth. But we cannot do that alone. Your donation helps us and contributes to our research, the digitization of our collection, and the development of innovative exhibitions and educational projects.

Partnershipsand sponsoring
United forces
Naturalis Biodiversity Center researches global issues related to climate, food supply, living environment and medicines. Together we can take bigger steps. Sustainable steps. That is why Naturalis is looking for partners with a heart for nature. There are multiple options and levels for affiliation with our museum, from becoming the main sponsor of our institute to sponsoring individual exhibitions or educational projects. Help us realize special acquisitions like our T. rex, or partner with us on big data and ground-breaking research projects. Do something big or something small. That is more important now than ever. For the preservation of nature and for the future of our children. More information? Call or email our Corporate Partnerships Manager, Bouchra Filali: +31 (0)64 486 0733.

Private individuals can support us in other ways, in addition to one-time or annual donations. For example by donating a collection.
Stichting Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden
IBAN NL34RABO0114477000
RSIN/tax number 803595943
Chamber of Commerce 41169515
Dutch VAT NL803595943B01
Annual report and accounts 2023 (Dutch)
Articles of Association
Made possiblethanks to
Made possible by
Naturalis receives the generous support of many corporate and private donors. Here you see an overview of those who have supported Naturalis.