In the project Automatic image recognition as a tool for museum collections, Naturalis and several other Dutch museums are investigating the use of artificial intelligence for object registration in museums. In this pilot machine learning is used to train several models on scans or photos of specimens, so that they learn how to identify objects.
In this project, we are developing AI models for different types of collection. We also investigate for which types of collections AI can and cannot be used, and what is needed to develop a reliable AI for this purpose. Museums, both in the Netherlands and abroad, that lack the expertise to identify species by themselves, might benefit, too. Machine learning may be able to help them identify the objects in their collection. The first models can be found here (page is in Dutch only, currently)
The focus is on five subcollections in several museums. We develop models for recognizing butterflies, bird eggs, cone snails, masks from different cultures and the eggs of rays and sharks.

Hidden moths: Make papillots visible in a streamlined way
Involvedin this project
Project partners:
Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam
This project was made possible with financial help from the Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and NLBIF.

De slimme krachtvan kunstmatige intelligentie
Het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed maakte deze video over ons project, met een gastrol voor onze vrienden van het Missiemuseum in Steyl.