Nicole de Voogd

Picture of Nicole de Voogd

In 2005 I obtained my PhD degree at the University of Amsterdam on the biodiversity and mariculture potential of Indonesian sponges. Since 2004 I am appointed as a senior researcher at the Department of Marine Zoology where I continue working on sponge taxonomy and ecology and more recently on sponge microbial communities.


Population genetics, taxonomy, sponge, disturbance, coral reefs, microbes, bioactive compounds

Prof. Dr. N.J. (Nicole) de Voogd

Senior researcher
Marine biodiversity
+31 (0)71 751 9615


“The sponge is not, as you suppose a funny kind of weed; he lives below the deep blue sea, an animal like you and me."
(A.P. Herbert)

During the past five years I have focused on the following main topics:

  • Sponge taxonomy
  • Sponge community composition
  • Marine lakes
  • Marine natural products
  • Sponge microbial communities


A selection of the topics I am working on currently.

Fieldwork at Mayotte

Netbiome POMARE

Netbiome POMARE: Polynesian, Martinique's, Reunion's marine benthic invertebrates: interactions and chemodiversity evaluation for a sustainable use. The objective of the consortium, with all its facilities and expertise, is to explore marine invertebrates…
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Sponge survey at the Spermonde archipelago, SW Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Impact of urbanisation on coral reef ecosystems

Here we assess the historical impact of human settlement on coral reef environments adjacent to two major conurbations in southeast Asia, namely Jakarta and Makassar. This will be the first study to assess on a large spatial scale how the historical…
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Nicole de Voogd

Taxonomic revisions of Indonesian sponges

Calcareous sponges of Indonesia - The taxonomy of calcareous sponges has long suffered from inaccessibility and we present here descriptions of Indonesian calcareous sponges (Rob van Soest & Nicole de Voogd, in prep). Acanthostylotella, the forgotten genus…
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Xestospongia testudinaria at Ternate islands, Indonesia

Population connectivity

Population connectivity is a topic of major interest in marine biology with implications for ecology, evolutionary biology, biogeography, conservation and the management of exploited resources. In general, species with a longer pelagic larval duration…
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Aplysina fistularis sponge

MARBLES Useful molecules from the sea

The MARBLES Project aims to develop new methods for the sustainable collection and use of biological resources from marine environments and assess their commercial potential. Together we will harness the unexplored potential of marine microorganisms as…
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Naturalis aims to be a breeding ground for international scientific talent. Therefore, PhD's have a special position in our organisation.

    • Becking, L.E. (2012) Marine Lakes of Indonesia. Leiden University.
    • Polonia, A.R.M. (2014) The impact of urbanisation on coral reef ecosystems. University of Porto, Portugal.
    • Setiawan, E. (2014) Phylogeography of the Indonesian sponges Neopetrosia chaliniformis and Xestospongia testudinaria. Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany.
    • Arysyari, R. Phylogeography of Indonesia sponges. Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany.
    Nicole de Voogd


    Coordination Bachelor course University Leiden, Biodiversity in Time and Space.

    In the

    Keuringsdienst van waarde 17 oktober 2013 'De natuurspons'

    Het klokhuis 14 februari 2004 'De spons'
