Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives

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Journal for articles on plant diversity and floristics, plant ecology, and vegetation research in the Netherlands.

Contact and submission of manuscripts



Baudewijn Odé (FLORON)

Desk editor

Hans Kruijer (Naturalis)


Gorteria - Dutch Botanical Archives (abbreviation: Gorteria) is published by the Dutch organisations Naturalis, FLORON, and the Royal Dutch Botanical Society (Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging, KNBV). Gorteria is a journal for research on the wild flora of the Netherlands and focuses on plant diversity, floristics, and the distribution and systematics of plant species occurring in the Netherlands. The journal encourages taxonomic treatments and articles on difficult plant complexes, especially if they include identification keys and/or clarify nomenclatural problems. In addition, much attention is given to remarkable finds, locations of rare species, ecological and geographic characteristics, and the floristic changes as consequences of human activities and global climate change. The focus of Gorteria is on the flora of the Netherlands, but the journal encourages all contributions that contribute to a better knowledge of the Dutch flora, even if Dutch species are not directly the subject of study.

Gorteria is an open access e-only journal under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND license. Gorteria articles are in Dutch or English and include abstracts in both languages.

the readers

the authors

Please submit manuscripts for Gorteria to the desk editor by email as an attachment. Large files (photos and illustrations) can be submitted via WeTransfer

Manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board or a specialist on the subject designated by the editorial board. The editorial board consists of experts on various aspects of botany and the Dutch flora. The editorial board assumes that manuscripts submitted to Gorteria are original and meet the objectives of Gorteria. The editorial board reserves the right to immediately refuse manuscripts that do not comply to Gorteria’s objectives or do not have the scientific quality to be published as an article in Gorteria. Please contact the desk editor if you are in doubt whether or not your manuscript meets the objectives of Gorteria. By submitting the manuscript, the authors agree to the copyright policies of the Gorteria publishers (see above). Authors retain all rights to share their published articles with colleagues and to use them for education. 

Submission of manuscripts and the publication of articles in Gorteria is free of charge.

Go to the instruction pdf for authors