Language classes: Workshop Animal on paper

Kids in Life gallery

The mounted animals in Naturalis are frozen in place forever. This makes them perfect for getting a close-up look. In the Life gallery, each pupil will choose an animal from the hundreds of objects on display. By drawing the animals, the pupils learn to look more carefully and questions arise naturally. “What’s the point of having a big trunk like that?”, “What does the bird do with that little hook on its beak?” The educational assistant will help them find answers. In the workshop area, pupils add detail to their sketches using nib pens, brushes and sepia ink. Then the penny drops: animals’ bodies are put together in super-useful ways!

Dutch only

This program is currently only offered in Dutch.

Everything you need to know
in a row

  • Workshop
  • Target group: the program will be adjusted based on the level of the language class
  • Length: 90-120 minutes (TBD by mutual agreement)
  • Number of pupils: no more than 24
  • Areas: workshop Present, Life gallery
  • Number of supervisors supplied by Naturalis: 2
  • Number of supervisors supplied by the school: TBD by mutual agreement
  • Objectives: pupils will look closely and discover how form relates to function in animals; pupils are introduced to the animal kingdom in Dutch.
  • Keywords: looking, discovering, animal art, drawing, how form relates to function

and processing

Get the most out of your visit to Naturalis by using our additional material (in Dutch):

Presentation for schools 
Teachers manual Discover Naturalis

Course of the program
at the museum

The program consists of three parts. The schedule given below is an indication only.

0-30 minutes: workshop area
In the workshop area, there are real mounted animal specimens. The pupils play a game that challenges them to examine the animals very closely. Next, they look at animal art for inspiration and drawing tips.

30-80 minutes: Life gallery
Pupils will choose an animal and draw a pencil sketch of it. Back in the workshop area, they will further work out the details using nib pens, brushes and sepia ink.

80-110 minutes: workshop area or the Dinosaur Era gallery
There are four scientific illustrators working at Naturalis. Pupils will hear about how the illustrators’ work is an important part of doing research. Pupils can choose from two assignments. Using magnifying glasses and microscopes, they can make a drawing of something tiny, or they can go to the Dinosaur Era gallery, choose a dinosaur and draw what they think it looked like when it was alive, with flesh and skin.

110-120 minutes: workshop area
The pupils choose one of the animals they drew earlier. The supervisor is not told which animal it is, but asks questions and tries to draw the animal based on the responses. It’s an impossible task! Pupils receive a folder to carry their drawings home in and to encourage them to keep drawing, because you can learn a lot from it.

Booking info
prepare your visit

Everything you need to know about practical matters such as parking, lockers and house rules.

Booking info

Youngsters in the museum