As a private donor, you can choose to support us in one of four ways.

  1. gift to the collection
    You can donate or bequeath an object or collection to the museum.

    More information? Call or email Steven van der Mije: +31 (0)71 751 9311 or +31 (0)64 533 6594.

  2. make a financial donation

  • You can choose between a one-time or a periodic donation. Because Naturalis has cultural PBO status, it is exempt from gift and inheritance taxes, meaning your entire donation benefits Naturalis. All donations are tax-deductible. A periodic donation offers the greatest tax benefit. This involves formalizing your periodic donation in a donor agreement with a term of at least five years. The entire donated amount is then 100% tax-deductible, regardless of the amount you give each year. For a one-time donation, the amount of the deduction will depend on your annual income.

  • You can also create a designated fund. We establish funds in the names of donors who have given €50,000 or more to the museum. You can choose the name of your fund and even decide how you would like us to spend the money, provided it is in keeping with the objectives of Naturalis.

    More information? Call or email our private partnerships manager, Minette Albers: +31 (0)71 751 9662 or +31 (0)61 583 8912.

  1. arrange a financial legacy
    You can name Naturalis as a beneficiary in your will.

  • Appointment as an heir: you name Naturalis as an heir to a portion of your estate.

  • Bequest: you state in your will that Naturalis is to receive a certain sum in money, assets, or real estate, such as a house or a stock portfolio.

  • Designated fund: for bequests of €50,000 or more, you can have a fund established in your name.

    More information? Call or email our private partnerships manager, Minette Albers: +31 (0)71 751 9662 or +31 (0)61 583 8912.

4. play the Vrienden Lottery
Naturalis receives support from the Vrienden Lottery, the premier cultural lottery in the Netherlands. In 2017, Naturalis received €1,250,000 to fund the REXperience, a spectacular public attraction in the new museum's dinosaur hall.

When you participate in the Vrienden Lottery, you have a chance to win fantastic prizes in every drawing. What's more, half the price of your ticket goes directly to around 70 cultural organizations, including Naturalis. Participants will also receive a VIP CARD granting free admission to the new museum. Enter to win and support Naturalis!


Support Naturalis

Big or small, one-time or annualy; now you can easily donate online.

