I am an evolutionary biologist interested in evolution of morphology and life-history traits and conservation of biodiversity.
amphibians, evolution, development, morphology, life history
My research is mostly focused on evolution of morphology, physiology and life-history traits of amphibians. I am also involved in several projects related to conservation of amphibians and reptiles at Balkan Peninsula.
My main field of interest is evolutionary morphology. I am exploring how different morphological traits change and evolve in amphibians.One of the characteristics of all marbled and crested newts is that homozygous embryos die due to balanced lethal system. During my postdoc at Leiden University and Naturalis, in collaboration with University of Belgrade, we are comparing 3D phenotypic maps of organogenesis and gene expressions at different ontogenetic stages between normally developing embryos (heterozygous, 1A1B and 1B1A) and embryos that will never hatch (homozygous, 1A1A and 1B1B). By combing these two approaches, we will try to depict processes and mechanisms which lead to lethal outcomes in homozygous embryos.

- Cvijanović, M., Ajduković, M., Arntzen, J. W., Ivanović, A., & Vučić, T. (2023). Ladies in armor: A micro‐computed tomographic study of skin calcification in European toads (genus Bufo). The Anatomical Record, 306(8), 1981-1989.
- Petrović, T., Vučić, T., Burraco, P., Gavrilović, B., Despotović, S., Gavrić, J., Radovanović, T., Šajkunić, S., Ivanović, A., & Prokić, M. (2023). Higher temperature induces oxidative stress in hybrids but not in parental species: A case study of crested newts. Journal of Thermal Biology, 112.
- Bugarčić, M., Ivanović, A., Cvijanović, M., & Vučić, T. (2022). Consequences of hybridization on life history and growth in postmetamorphic Triturus macedonicus. Amphibia-Reptilia, 43(2), 195-201.
- Vučić, T., Ivanović, A., Ajduković, M., Bajler, N., & Cvijanović, M. (2022). The reproductive success of Triturus ivanbureschi × T. macedonicus F1 hybrid females (Amphibia: Salamandridae). Animals, 12(4), 443.
- Vučić, T., Sibinović, M., Vukov, T. D., Tomašević Kolarov, N., Cvijanović, M., & Ivanović, A. (2019). Testing the evolutionary constraints of metamorphosis: The ontogeny of head shape in Triturus newts. Evolution, 73(6), 1253-1264.
- Vučić, T., Vukov, T. D., Kolarov, N. T., Cvijanović, M., & Ivanović, A. (2018). The study of larval tail morphology reveals differentiation between two Triturus species and their hybrids. Amphibia-Reptilia, 39(1), 87-97.