Freek Vonk

Freek Vonk with a King Cobra

After my study in biology and my promotion at Leiden University, I started working at Naturalis Biodiversity Center. My curiousity is still not satisfied. There are so many questions. Every day I am very happy to work on my scientific research. But at the same time I try to convey my knowledge and passion about nature to the general public. I think it's important to reach out to people and touch their hearts in order to get the message across that we need to care about the wonderful life on earth.


Snake venom, snake, evolution, gene sequencing, venom glands


My work is focused on the origin and evolution of reptile venom, venom glands and fangs.

Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by nature and wild animals. From the moment I discovered the life of snakes, my love for biology increased every day.

As a 15 year old boy, the diversity of snake species and their wide range of adaptations caught my attention. That's when I decided that I wanted to study biology in order to learn more about these animals.

Freek Vonk in the lab
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A selection of the topics I work on.

Evolution of snake fangs

By performing gene-expression studies in snake embryos I built a solid hypothesis for the evolution of snake venom-conducting fangs (Nature, 2008), and identified a major evolutionary transition underlying the massive radiation of advanced snakes. Based on…
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Origin and evolution of snake venom genes

By sequencing the genomes and the transcriptomes of the venom gland, accessory gland and a multi-tissue archive of two species of snake (king cobra and the Burmese python), followed by extensive evolutionary analysis of the toxin sequences, we have been…
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  • Vonk FJ et al. The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and adaptation in the snake venom-system. PNAS 110, 20651-20656 (2013)
  • Vonk FJ et al. Evolutionary origin and development of snake fangs. Nature 454, 630-633 (2008) 
  • Vonk FJ & Richardson MK. Serpent clocks tick faster. Nature 454, 282-283 (2008)
  • Castoe TA et al, The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes. PNAS 110, 20645-20650 (2013)
  • Fry BG et al. Early evolution of the venom-system in lizards and snakes. Nature 439, 584-588 (2006)

International (refereed) journals

  • Vonk FJ , Casewell NR, Henkel CV, Heimberg A, Jansen HJ, McCleary RJR, Kerkkamp H, Vos R, Guerreiro I, Calvete JJ, Wuster W, Woods AE, Logan J, Harrison RA, Castoe TA, de Koning APJ, Pollock DD, Yandell M, Calderon D, Renjifo C, Currier RB, Salgado D, Pla D, Sanz L, Hyder AS, Ribeiro JMC, Arntzen JW, van den Thillart GE, Boetzer M, Pirovano W, Dirks R, Spaink HP, Duboule D, McGlinn E, Kini RM & Richardson MK. The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and adaptation in the snake venom-system. PNAS 110, 20651-20656 (2013).
  • Castoe TA, de Koning APJ, Hall KT, Card DC, Schield DR, Fujita MK, Ruggiero RP, Degner JF, Daza JM, Gu W, Reyes-Velasco J, Shaney KJ, Castoe JM, Fox SE, Poole AW, Polanco D, Dobry J, Vandewege MW, Li Q, Schott RK, Kapusta AK, Minx P, Feschotte C, Uetz P, Ray DA, Hoffmann FG, Bogden R, Smith EN, Chang BS, Vonk FJ, Casewell NR, Henkel CV, Richardson MK, Mackessy SP, Bronikowsi AM, Yandell M, Warren WC, Secor SM & Pollock DD. The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes. PNAS 110, 20645-20650 (2013).
  • Casewell NR, Wüster W, Vonk FJ, Harrison RA & Fry BG. Complex cocktails: the evolutionary novelty of venoms. Trends Ecol Evol. 28, 219-229 (2013).
  • Otvos RA, Heus F, Vonk FJ, Halff J, Bruyneel B, Paliukhovich I, Smit AB, Niessen WM & Kool J. Analytical workflow for rapid screening and purification of bioactives from venom proteomes. Toxicon 76, 270-281 (2013).
  • Heus F, Vonk FJ, Otvos RA, Bruyneel B, Smit AB, Lingeman H, Richardson M, Niessen WM & Kool J. An efficient analytical platform for on-line microfluidic profiling of neuroactive snake venoms towards nicotinic receptor affinity. Toxicon 61, 112-124 (2013).
  • Vidal N, Marin J, Sassi J, Battistuzzi FU, Donnellan S, Fitch AJ, Fry BG, Vonk FJ, Rodriguez de la Vega RC, Couloux A, Hedges SB. Molecular evidence for an Asian origin of monitor lizards followed by Tertiary dispersals to Africa and Australasia. Biol Lett. 8, 853-855 (2012).
  • Vonk FJ, Jackson K, Doley R, Madaras F, Mirtschin PJ & N Vidal. Snake venom: from fieldwork to the clinic. BioEssays 33, 269-279 (2011).
  • Siang AS, Doley R, Vonk FJ, & RM Kini. Transcriptomic Analysis of the Venom Gland of the Red-headed Krait (Bungarus flaviceps) Using Expressed Sequence Tags. BMC Molecular Biology 11, 24 - 34 (2010).
  • Brittijn SA, Duivesteijn SJ, Belmamoune M, Bertens LFM, Bitter W, de Bruijn JD, Champagne D, Cuppen E, Flik G, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Janssen RAJ, de Jong IM, de Kloet ER, Kros A, Meijer AH, Metz JR, van der Sar A, Schaaf MJM, Schulte-Merker S, Spaink HP, Tak PP, Verbeek FJ, Vervoordeldonk MJ, Vonk FJ, Witte F, Yuan H & MK Richardson. Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 53, 835-850 (2009).
  • Woltering JM, Vonk FJ, Muller H, Bardine N, Tuduce IL, de Bakker MAG, Knochel W, Sirbu IO, Durston AJ & MK Richardson. Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians: evidence for an alternative interpretation of the Hox code. Dev Biol. 332, 82-9 (2009).
  • Vonk FJ & Richardson MK. Serpent clocks tick faster. Nature 454, 282-283 (2008).
  • Vonk FJ, Admiraal JF, Jackson K, Reshef R, de Bakker MAG, Vanderschoot K, van den Berge I, van Atten M, Burgerhout E, Beck A, Mirtschin PJ, Kochva E, Witte F, Fry BG, Woods A & MK Richardson. Evolutionary origin and development of snake fangs. Nature 454, 630-633 (2008).
  • Bertola LD, Ott EB, Griepsma S, Vonk FJ & CP Bagowski. Developmental expression of the alpha-skeletal actin gene. BMC Evol Biol. 8, 166 (2008).
  • Vonk FJ & Wüster W. Roles of CITES in protecting new species. Science 313, 915-916. (2006).
  • Fry BG, Vidal N, Norman JA, Vonk FJ, Scheib H, Ramjan SF, Kuruppu S, Fung K, Hedges SB, Richardson MK, Hodgson WC, Ignjatovic V, Summerhayes V & E Kochva. Early evolution of the venom-system in lizards and snakes. Nature 439, 584-588 (2006).

Publications Freek Vonk on Google Scholar


Naturalis aims to be a breeding ground for international scientific talent. Therefore, PhD's have a special position in our organisation.

    Milking an African puff adder

    In the


    • Freeks Wilde Wereld, Freek in het Wild, Freek op Safari (Zapp/VPRO)
    • Freek Vonk in Australië (BNN/VARA)
    • De Wereld Draait Door (VARA)


    • National Geographic Magazine
    • TrosKompas
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