Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean: DTO-BioFlow


Data on biodiversity comes from a variety of sources, including omics, optical identification, imaging, acoustics, and others. Although new technology (imaging, acoustics, DNA-based, satellite) enables biodiversity observations at previously unattainable scales and frequencies, many of these types of data require one or more processing steps to become digital, and thus remain unavailable and inaccessible. DTO-BioFlow will use these biodiversity data to generate a digital replica of marine biological processes and transform new and current data flows into evidence-based knowledge. 


Launched: 1 September 2023
Ending: 28 February 2027
Geographical Scope: Europe 
Partners (number): 32
Financed by: Horizon Europe
Involvement level: Consortium partner



Why is the project is necessary?

The biological component of the ocean is arguably the least known and most poorly understood. Understanding the interaction of species with each other, with their environment and how these change in response to environmental and anthropogenic pressures through time will provide us with true knowledge and enables ecosystem-based management. 

What kind of innovations will the project bring to the field?

This project will provide virtual representations of the ocean-integrating ocean observations, modelling, and digital infrastructures. Digital Twins allow us to simulate and study “what if” scenarios enabling effective conservation, management and policy development.