Iliana Bista

I. Bista

I am currently a correspondent with Naturalis and a Research Group Leader at Center for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (TBG) and Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt.

I am using DNA tools for analysis of biodiversity from the genomic to the ecosystem level. I have been working with whole genome data to investigate ecological adaptation to extreme environments, and I am also interested in using eDNA and metagenomics for biodiversity monitoring. For more information on my research check out my website at


Environmental Genomics, Biodiversity, eDNA, Biomonitoring, Comparative Genomics, Adaptation

Dr.  Iliana Bista

Marine Evolution & Ecology



Biodiversity Genomics

Metabarcoding and metagenomics

Comparative genomics

Transposon evolution



Applications of environmental DNA (eDNA) in biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems.

Comparative genomics of adaptation to extreme environments - the case of the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation.

Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in fish genomes.






  • Bista, I.*, Wood, J. M. D., Desvignes, T., McCarthy, S. A., Matschiner, M., Ning Z., Tracey A., Torrance J., Sims Y., Chow W., Smith M., Oliver K., Haggerty L., Salzburger W., Postlethwait J.H., Howe K., Clark M.S., Detrich III H.W., Cheng C.H.C., Miska E.A., Durbin R.*, (2022). Genomics of cold adaptations in the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation. BioRxiv, 1–31. (*Corresponding author).
  • Formenti G., Theissinger K., Fernandes C., Bista I., Bombarely A., Bleidorn C., Ciofi C., Crottini A, Godoy J.A., Höglund J., Malukiewicz J., Mouton A., Oomen R. A., Paez S., Palsbøll P. J, Pampoulie C., Ruiz-López M.J, Svardal H., Theofanopoulou C., deVries J., Waldvogel A.M., Zhang G., Mazzoni C.J., Jarvis E.D., Bálint M., and The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) Consortium. (2022). The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37(3), 197–202.
  • Bohmann, K., Elbrecht, V., Carøe, C., Bista, I., Leese, F., Bunce, M., Yu, D.W, Seymour, M., Dumbrell, A.J., Creer, S. (2022). Strategies for sample labelling and library preparation in DNA metabarcoding studies. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22(4), 1231–1246.
  • Rhie A., McCarthy S. A., Fedrigo O., Damas J., Formenti G., Koren S., … Jarvis E. D. (2021). Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature, 592(7856), 737–746.
  • Bista I.*, McCarthy S.A., Wood J... Durbin R. (2020) The genome sequence of the channel bull blenny, Cottoperca gobio (Günther, 1861). Wellcome Open Res., 5:148 (*Corresponding author).
  • Bista I.*, Carvalho G. R., Tang M., … Creer S. (2018). Performance of amplicon and shotgun sequencing for accurate biomass estimation in invertebrate community samples. Mol. Ecol. Res., 1–15 (*Corresponding author).
  • Deiner K., Bik H. M., Mächler E., Seymour M., Lacoursière-Roussel A., Altermatt F., Creer S., Bista I., Lodge D.M., de Vere N.… Bernatchez L. (2017). Environmental DNA metabarcoding: Transforming how we survey animal and plant communities. Mol. Ecol., 26 (21), 5872–5895.
  • Bista I. *, Carvalho G.R., Walsh K., Seymour M., Hajibabaei M., Lallias D., Christmas M., Creer S. (2017). Annual time-series analysis of aqueous eDNA reveals ecologically relevant dynamics of lake ecosystem biodiversity. Nature Communications, 8, 14087 (*Corresponding author).

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DNA-based biodiversity assessment methods.

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European Reference Genome Atlas consortium (ERGA)
Day of Biodiversity 2022