Visit the collections


The collections are available for research by visiting scientists. If you wish to visit a collection you can contact us by sending a request to A request from a student must be accompanied by a letter of the institute.

Opening hours

The collections are open for use from Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. Please note that the collections are not open during weekends or on Dutch public holidays.

Getting here

Naturalis staff and collections are housed at the Darwinweg 2, Leiden. Naturalis can be reached by car and by public transport. Please note that parking space at Naturalis is very limited. Therefore visitors are encouraged to use the public transport options available. Leiden railway station is within walking distance (approximately 10 minutes). Timetables and further information can be found on the website of the Dutch Railway.


Visitors have to arrange their own accommodation. There is no short-stay student facility in Leiden anymore. For hotels and other accommodations in Leiden you can check the website of the Leiden Tourist Information. Bed & breakfast accommodations can be found in and around Leiden. Cheap hotel accommodations can be found in Stay Okay hostels. The hostel located closest to Leiden is Stay Okay in The Hague. The train journey to The Hague takes about 10 minutes and trains run frequently throughout the day.