Flora Malesiana

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Flora Malesiana (FM) is an international flora project aiming to name, describe and inventory the complete vascular plant flora of Malesia, the region including Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea.

Prof. Dr. Peter C. van Welzen

General editor

Prof. dr. E. F. (Erik) Smets


Dr. Marco Roos



The Malesian biodiversity hotspot harbours a staggering vascular plant diversity estimated at more than 45,000 species. Published FM volumes, CD-ROMs and other output cover about 29% of the species in Malesia and have been cited thousands of times, not just in highly specialized taxonomic journals, but also in journals which focus on a wide range of fields such as climate change, plant ecology, and conservation, as well as policy documents.

More information on the Flora Malesian website